Thursday 14 March 2013

Question 2 example

1. Gender behaviour/expectations
2. Gender Stereotypes (alpha male, sex object)
3. Character roles in a Thriller (stereotypes eg washed up cop, tortured hitman, vulnerable victim)
4. Adult characters/adult audience - London, adult world etc

Screen shot analysis of:
MES - costume/props/location/actors
CAM - shot types, angles, composition
EDIT - masculine or feminine
SOUND - masculine etc

Compare to existing characters from Thrillers (screen shots)

Embed your film

Send to back your production company logo or title slate


Thursday 7 March 2013

HOMEWORK Comlete Q3 Prezi or directors commentary

You need to refer to actual company names and processes so you will need to go back to the early posts on film companies and maybe do a bit more research

1. Research the links from this post
2. Divide up the questions between the 3 of you and produce either:

a Prezi ( or 
a Director Commentary 

including images - Production & your Distribution Company & film festival images, trailers of films, along with discussion of:

  1. What that company does - it's role (Distribution Company & Production Company) ADD IMAGES/ANIMATION
  2. Find a Distributor and discuss why they would be suitable for your low budget independent UK film
  3. What your film is similar to 'institutionally' (name some independent films which would be released in a similar way) ADD TRAILERS
  4. How these films may use youtube or social networking to market them  (see case study on 'Colin')
  5. The role of film festivals in promoting, getting your film distributed (see case study 2 on Colin) 
  6. Why the various companies are named in the titles in this order (legal) - ADD SLATES from your film

Monday 19 March 2012

How did you attract your audience?

1. How did you capture their interest in the opening?

2. How did you target your gender, what characters could they identify with/appeal to them?

3. How did you appeal to your age group, and the audience who watches Thrillers?

4. Evidence of your survey monkey - what did you learn about meeting their expectations & interests?

5. Comparison with successful Thrillers similar to your audience (with trailers)/images.

Audience Feedback Charlie Brooker Youth TV 

Sunday 4 March 2012

AS Thriller Evaluation Mark Scheme

Deck of Cards - 1 to 7 overview of the question, content, how to present (look at Beth & Beckie's)

In pairs explain to each other

Joker - mark scheme, criteria 1,6&7

Look at Danica, Georgina & Andreas - why low?