Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Answer the question - a conclusion of how you have progressed in skills/understanding of filmmaking
Concentrate on editing, sound and camerawork.
Grab 9 frames from both tasks side by side
Include your screen captures of editing, sound mixing and shooting from your blog
For sound - upload the sounds of your film from garageband
Colour code your responses by student so we know who has answered what
What have you learned about filmmaking/progressed your skills from Preliminary to Final Film?
Camera: shot types & framing/composition, variety of angles, exposure & focus
Editing: Continuity (180 deg rule, match on action, shot rev shot), Pace
Sound: Foley & ambient sounds, scoring the soundtrack of the film to the action, overdubbing dialogue
Lighting & Colour Grading
Make sure you mention the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot